Philosophie & Stratégie & Avenir de Lotus

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Philosophie & Stratégie & Avenir de Lotus

Message par Corsugone » 11 juil. 2010 09:12

J'ouvre ce post en reprenant différents articles, il y aura beaucoup à dire sur la métamorphose de Lotus depuis la reprise de la marque par les ex-Ferrari Boys.

Lotus axes dealer network (source Autocar)

Lotus will terminate the contracts of all its European dealerships in July 2012 as part of plans to completely overhaul its dealership network.

Lotus CEO Dany Bahar has written to the Norfolk firm’s entire European dealership network informing them that their contracts will not be renewed and will expire on 18 July 2012.

Full story: Lotus reveals radical new direction

The sports car firm is acting within the current terms of its dealerships’ contracts, which outlines that two-year’s notice must be given for termination.

Plans for a radical overhaul of the European dealer network will be revealed in the period after the Paris motor show, the location where Lotus’s new five-year blueprint will be announced, outlining its future building a new range of more luxurious GTs and sports cars.

Lotus has confirmed the current dealer network would be able to apply for new dealerships or franchises under new terms, but it has yet to reveal precise details on what those terms will be.
"I have a problem with Porsches. They're wonderful cars, but I know I could never live with one. I don't go around saying that Porsches are a pile of dung, but I do know that psychologically I couldn't handle owning one" Rowan Atkinson.

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Message par Corsugone » 11 juil. 2010 09:13

Les langues se seraient-elles déliées chez Lotus ? (Source caradisiac)

Le site du magazine anglais Auto Express annonce que Lotus, qui nous a promis le début d’une nouvelle ère au prochain Mondial de Paris du mois d’octobre, y présentera quatre concepts inédits !
Il s’agira de la future nouvelle Lotus, de deux coupés GT à moteur avant et d’un roadster…
Programme particulièrement chargé donc qui visera à la fois Ferrari et Porsche.
Le constructeur devrait y dévoiler en outre sa nouvelle stratégie.
En attendant, des mouvements de personnels ont déjà lieu. Wolf Zimmermann, âgé de 49 ans, auparavant directeur de l’ingénierie et de la production de Mercedes-AMG va prendre le poste de directeur technique de la marque au 1er septembre prochain. Quand on en arrive en provenance d’AMG chez Lotus, ce n’est peut-être pas pour faire du « light is right ».
"I have a problem with Porsches. They're wonderful cars, but I know I could never live with one. I don't go around saying that Porsches are a pile of dung, but I do know that psychologically I couldn't handle owning one" Rowan Atkinson.

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Message par Corsugone » 11 juil. 2010 09:14

Lotus loses exec to VW, gains one from AMG (Source leftlane)

In the midst of Lotus’ continual waves of change a pair of personnel make up the latest shift, with the departure of recently acquired COO Frank Tuch likely being the most significant change.

Lotus may have only recently acquired Frank Tuch to lead operations for the British automaker, but like marketing guru Joel Ewanick who left Nissan as quickly as he joined them to head to GM, Tuch has now been tapped by the Volkswagen Group.

“Frank was approached by the Volkswagen Group shortly after agreeing to join Lotus and it was not a consideration for us to stand in his way in pursuing this one-off opportunity. We were able to reach a mutually acceptable agreement with VW which still allows Lotus to continue to benefit from Frank’s considerable experience before his departure. Frank will also continue to work for Lotus as an adviser and we wish him the very best of luck in his new endeavor,” said Dany Bahar, Lotus CEO.

In addition to the departure of Tuch, Lotus also acquired the former managing director of engineering and production, chief engineer of technical safety for Mercedes-Benz AMG division, Wolf Zimmermann. The former many of many trades will now serve at Lotus’ CTO, effective September 1, 2010.
"I have a problem with Porsches. They're wonderful cars, but I know I could never live with one. I don't go around saying that Porsches are a pile of dung, but I do know that psychologically I couldn't handle owning one" Rowan Atkinson.

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Message par Corsugone » 20 juil. 2010 17:11

Lotus confirms new supercar (Autocar)

Lotus has officially confirmed that it will show a concept for an upmarket supercar at the Paris motor show in September.

In the latest of a series of cryptic statements, the Malaysian-owned, Norfolk-based sports car company reveals its new show car will be “perhaps even more” than a replacement for the mid-engined Esprit supercar — which it pointedly reminds us was first unveiled as a Giugiaro-designed concept at the Paris show exactly 35 years ago.

Lotus has been working for at least three years on various iterations of an Esprit replacement, but the company’s latest management, led by ex-Ferrari commercial boss Danny Bahar, has signalled a decisive move upmarket for all future products, apparently into Ferrari-Aston territory.

Lotus spokesmen are hazy about future product, but agree that the new concept is an accurate guide to their future intentions for production models.

When sales ended in 2004, volume of the old Esprit — which lasted 18 years through a dozen different models — amounted to 10,700 cars.
Dernière édition par Corsugone le 01 oct. 2010 08:19, édité 1 fois.
"I have a problem with Porsches. They're wonderful cars, but I know I could never live with one. I don't go around saying that Porsches are a pile of dung, but I do know that psychologically I couldn't handle owning one" Rowan Atkinson.

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Message par Corsugone » 03 août 2010 16:04

Article très intéressant sur les nouveaux modèles Lotus.

Il semblerait que la gamme Elise & Exige est vécue, remplacée par une nouvelle Lotus Seven ... conçue et construite en Espagne, très vendeur le truc ...

Pour le reste, l'Esprit se prend pour une MP4-12C et un nouveau modèle cible la Porsche Panemera. Après le succès de l'Evora, Lotus persiste.

Des concessionnaires auraient fait part de leurs réserves concernant la nouvelle politique ... surement les prochains éjectés du réseau.
"I have a problem with Porsches. They're wonderful cars, but I know I could never live with one. I don't go around saying that Porsches are a pile of dung, but I do know that psychologically I couldn't handle owning one" Rowan Atkinson.

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Message par Corsugone » 04 août 2010 12:45

Pour ceux impatients d'observer une poule découvrant un oeuf, c'est par ICI.
"I have a problem with Porsches. They're wonderful cars, but I know I could never live with one. I don't go around saying that Porsches are a pile of dung, but I do know that psychologically I couldn't handle owning one" Rowan Atkinson.

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Message par Corsugone » 30 sept. 2010 19:37

Vidéo de Présentation de Lotus - Salon de Paris - 25 minutes

Très intéressant.
"I have a problem with Porsches. They're wonderful cars, but I know I could never live with one. I don't go around saying that Porsches are a pile of dung, but I do know that psychologically I couldn't handle owning one" Rowan Atkinson.

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Message par Corsugone » 30 sept. 2010 20:10

Chronologie de mise en production :


"I have a problem with Porsches. They're wonderful cars, but I know I could never live with one. I don't go around saying that Porsches are a pile of dung, but I do know that psychologically I couldn't handle owning one" Rowan Atkinson.

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Message par ZeusRS » 30 sept. 2010 20:26

Ben j'aime bien! :D
Ok, on perd un peu de l'âme de Lotus, c'est à dire le light is right, mais en même temps, est-il réellement possible de conserver cette philosophie avec toutes ces normes qui alourdissent inexorablement les voitures?
Autant prendre le taureau par les cornes et attaquer!

Jolie gamme, j'espère juste qu'ils sauront conserver le plaisir de conduire!! :D
-=Black is Right=-

Merci de ne pas m'envoyer de MP, cette fonction m'a été bloquée, je ne peux pas y répondre.

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Message par Corsugone » 30 sept. 2010 20:26

Brochure de la gamme (PDF)
"I have a problem with Porsches. They're wonderful cars, but I know I could never live with one. I don't go around saying that Porsches are a pile of dung, but I do know that psychologically I couldn't handle owning one" Rowan Atkinson.

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Message par alainp » 30 sept. 2010 20:52

Perso je les trouve toutes magnifiques et je salue le changement de style.

Par contre, nous faire envie aussi longtemps avant les sorties de ces modèles m'énerve ;)

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Message par Corsugone » 01 oct. 2010 08:17

(Source CLF)

Lotus & Toyota ,une vision d'avenir à long terme ...

Depuis de nombreuses années , les Lotus Elise ,Exige et Evora sont motorisées par de différents blocs Toyota . Alors qu'il se voyait remettre les clés d'une Lotus Elise R blanche VVTL Toyota 2ZZ-GE-i en personne par le CEO de Lotus Cars Dany Bahar dans la cour de l'ambassade de Grande Bretagne à Tokyo (Japon) grâce à l'hospitalité de l'ambassadeur David Warren ,Akio Toyoda , le président du directoire du groupe Toyota Motor Corporation a ainsi confirmé que la fourniture de moteurs au constructeur britannique se poursuivrerait avec des solutions innovantes permettant la création de blocs spécifiques pour Lotus Cars.

Sur la base de cette coopération fructueuse avec Toyota à ce jour, Lotus a décidé de renforcer les relations avec ce motoriste pour de nouvelles Lotus avec des systémes hybrides .Enfin, il n'est pas exclu la création conjointe d'un moteur spécifique, partant d'une base Toyota mais ayant subit un travail profond dans les bureaux d'étude de Lotus Engineering et servant à motoriser les prochains modèles d'Hethel.




Dernière édition par Corsugone le 01 oct. 2010 08:52, édité 1 fois.
"I have a problem with Porsches. They're wonderful cars, but I know I could never live with one. I don't go around saying that Porsches are a pile of dung, but I do know that psychologically I couldn't handle owning one" Rowan Atkinson.

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Message par Corsugone » 01 oct. 2010 08:50

Le V8 compressé qui doit animer le haut de gamme. 5.0 Litres, 620 chevaux, 720 Nm (!)

"I have a problem with Porsches. They're wonderful cars, but I know I could never live with one. I don't go around saying that Porsches are a pile of dung, but I do know that psychologically I couldn't handle owning one" Rowan Atkinson.

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Message par ZeusRS » 01 oct. 2010 09:45

La nouvelle ligne est très futuriste, et j'aime beaucoup!
Elle n'est pas sans me rappeler un peu la Mc Laren... :D
-=Black is Right=-

Merci de ne pas m'envoyer de MP, cette fonction m'a été bloquée, je ne peux pas y répondre.

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Message par Corsugone » 01 oct. 2010 10:19







"I have a problem with Porsches. They're wonderful cars, but I know I could never live with one. I don't go around saying that Porsches are a pile of dung, but I do know that psychologically I couldn't handle owning one" Rowan Atkinson.

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